Saturday, November 15, 2008

the beginning of the list

I was having a conversation with a friend yesterday about a brilliant woman that we admire and had the privilege of hearing speak earlier in the day. She had no prepared remarks, was speaking completely off the cuff, and somehow, in the course of a 15 minute impromptu speech, quoted everyone from Franklin Roosevelt to Asaata Shakur, explained the theory of wealth and inequality in America, referenced U.N. documents, cracked witty and endearing jokes, and made us feel equal parts inspired and humbled. My friend and I talked about how ridiculously smart this woman was and both had the same silly question: What books has she read that made her that smart?  

I can't tell you how many times I've asked that question in my head: when shaking hands with President Bill Clinton, while listening to Andrea Batiste Schlessinger...the list goes on and on. That simple question is why I've created this blog. Its a space for me to ask the smart people that inspire me what they read. Maybe one day, I'll read the list myself and be someone else's smart person. Until then, I'll just write this blog.